我從一個Band 1 女校常被留級的,變成了大學畢業拿了不少A的學生。
Magical 心靈轉化咨詢 HKD 580/30mins
療癒後1個月的每星期深度跟進 HKD 600/45mins SEssion
weekly Package HKD 2400, HKD 600/60mins
我們的頌缽x藝術治療、薩滿靈魂療癒也非常適合有效地改善孩子被社會安了的 ”label” 、 現有的不解、情緒狀況。
There was a time when I thought, if only I had discovered my strengths earlier in life, maybe I wouldn’t have had to go through so much disappointment, insecurity, and pain.
In the past, people around me used to say I was impulsive, careless, and lazy.
But once I embarked on my journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, I realized that I’m actually someone with sharp intuition, creativity, and a strong drive to take action. If I hadn’t kept trying and following my instincts, I wouldn’t have gained all the valuable experiences I have today.
Have you ever regretted taking what seemed like so many wrong turns?
Has your child ever been labeled as “difficult,” “naughty,” or even “SEN (Special Educational Needs)”?
From a spiritual perspective, these children are often highly sensitive, and some are even known as “Crystal Children.” Over the years, I’ve helped many parents understand and support the unique qualities of their children.
If I hadn’t unconsciously hidden my true self as a child, I might have been diagnosed with ADHD tendencies, as I couldn’t memorize things the “normal” way. It wasn’t until I studied art and fashion in the U.S. that I found a learning approach that worked for me—when I felt stuck, I’d switch between tasks, completing several assignments at once. I went from being held back in a top-tier school to earning many A’s in university.
Later, I decided to let go of the pressure of academic achievement and slowly paved my own way toward entrepreneurship. It turned out that my personality, which wasn’t suited for a regular job, allowed me to flow with life and become my own boss. Through this path, I found not only success but also balance and happiness in both my career and spiritual life.
Now, I’m passionate about helping children discover their gifts early on, and I’m equally dedicated to helping parents shift their mindsets. After all, a child’s family can either be the source of their greatest wounds or their strongest support system.
I don’t believe anyone is born “stupid,” “untalented,” or “disobedient.” What we often call “stupidity” is just the result of not finding the right method; “lacking talent” simply means they haven’t found something they’re passionate about; and “disobedience” often means we haven’t fully understood their personality.
I want to help your child, using tools like energy and card readings, to find their soul’s gifts, unique traits, and the best path for their development—outside of traditional education. I also want to help you understand the things your child may not be able to express.
At the same time, I’ll work with you to adjust your mindset, so that you and your child can open up to and embrace the widest range of possibilities.
Remember, when we do what we love and are naturally good at, that’s when we can become our most successful and abundant selves.
Please support your child and help them live their most authentic life.
Price List Story Highlight - Magical Spiritual Transformation Readings
If you’re interested in improving your child’s daily challenges on an energetic level, my spiritual card readings can also offer ongoing support for parents in better understanding their child and providing spiritual guidance.
Our sound bowl therapy combined with art therapy and shamanic soul healing is also very effective in addressing the emotional challenges and societal “labels” that may have been placed on your child, helping to bring clarity and healing.
親子關係與兒童的療癒是我一直好想關注,平日的hidden service
藝術治癒與頌缽療癒服務,我們先給孩子空間,去發揮自己,家長從旁去靜靜了解子女的心聲,也要學習 有些時候放手讓孩子自己來;
然後我們會使用頌缽的聲頻為家長與孩子放鬆及治癒,療癒類樂器 有助我們大腦放鬆、釋出出情緒,同時能夠刺激兒童的感觀,同時帶來心情平靜。
HKD 1500/1 hour
Follow up every month HKD 1111
English version
Art in Assessment and Therapy Practitioner, Approved by IBCCES | Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Fashion Marketing & Management
Most of the time, our major healing “assignments” are to heal our childhood. When we were kids, we were not able to speak up and protect ourselves. We all have been experience unforgettable traumas in our childhood, and issues with our parents. Those emotion would become untouchable if we didn’t release or heal them when we were little, then they are going to become blockages to hold us back in our adulthood.
This has been a project that I have been wanting to officially launch, since this is one of my hidden services.
If we can grow up receiving love and support from our parents, we could be in a healthy relationship with ourselves & our partners, having a career that we enjoy and a balanced mental health.
Therefore, my goal is to assist parents to understand the unspeakable voice and subconsciousness from their beloved children, learn how to love and support them. The most important part is to heal the childhood trauma from you, as parents.
This has been a pattern from our society and ancestors. When you didn’t receive love from your parents, and didn’t heal and relearn it, you might not be able to love unconditionally with support for your children, so we are going to help parents and kids together in love harmony.
Art therapy is not just about drawing houses, trees and people, it is about drawing what it is hidden inside, all the emotions, shame, fear, anger, into imagery, so we can see, touch, understand and release them. Being able to understand ourselves and be understood are very important to us, this is how we build our safety nest, confidence and self value.
Followed by Tibetan bowls healing, the frequency of these healing instruments are able to activate our brainwave, to put us in Delta wave, to stimulate the senses of children and help them to relax.
This session is suitable for every children, especially for those who are sensitive (star and crystal children)
-To understand what they are feeling inside
-To know how is their school life, their self esteem, difficulties and worries
-Parents-children Relationship
-Other Mental and well-being
-Unexplainable mental, life and psychical situation.
Art in Assessment and Therapy Practitioner, Approved by IBCCES | Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Fashion Marketing & Management
Art & Sound Therapy cannot replace traditional and western medicine, please consult your doctor for advice.