Inner Yoga Basic 心靈瑜伽
Connection with your Heart, your Soul and yourself
Yoga is a lifestyle, dedication to a spiritual path. Yoga is not just about asana, it’s just part of it. In this lesson I hope that I can guide you to feel your body, be aware of your breath and your thoughts. Start refocusing in life
瑜伽裡無疑有拉筋動作,但不只是這樣,瑜伽不是運動,there is a lot more。瑜伽也不只是要把動作做得好,因為我們與生俱來身體都是獨特的,練習瑜伽式子,是讓你找到perfect alignment ,那個最適合你身體的瑜伽動作。因為別人容易的可能對你來說困難,你不怎麼練習做到的可能別人做不到。
初接觸瑜伽依靠asana, vinyasa flow的強度麻醉傷痛;慢慢行明白到瑜伽是需要帶有意識的與自己連結、終於在印度修行時深深感受到瑜伽式子只是基本的一部分,瑜伽是個一輩子的旅程;思考是瑜伽、走路是瑜伽、如何做人都是瑜伽。願Selflovejan 的幾個不同瑜伽課裡,能滿足到大家不同需要。
Inner Yoga 心靈瑜伽適合注重身心靈健康的你,課堂除了Yoga Asana 瑜伽式子動作練習,還會配合心靈與思想調整,適合beginner少郁動的你,也已有瑜伽經驗的你,難度自行調節,同時適合注重心靈修行身心靈合一的修行者及想連結inner self 的你💕
從Set Intention開始我們的課堂、透過Vinyasa Flow帶我們連結了解自己身體,打開內心, 透過呼吸法Pranayama平靜清空自己,以及Self Love Affirmation 滋養愛惜自己,Awareness 的提升讓我們課堂後都能繼續修心。
Every Saturday 12-1pm
HKD 200/ class
上課地點 Selflovejan Studio
*Private 1-1 Yoga HKD 600-700 depends on the venue, location
Yin & Yang, God & Goddess Flow 7:30-9pm Every Thursday
療癒我們內在受傷的男性、女性面向、平衡陰陽與自己合一每個人不論性別,我們內在都有男性與女性面向男性面向不平衡、受傷,令我們容易逃避、獨裁等我;女性面向受傷容易情緒波動、沒安全感兩者平衡、健康,我們的情緒穩定、剛柔並重,人生各個面向都能走向豐盛幸福課堂會混合,瑜伽Flow, 薩滿聲音療癒及 引導冥想,分為 男性能量、女性能量、自我合一,三課為一建議療程,當然也可只參加有感應的為大家從 身、心、靈 三個層面去全面處理。

Nov 7 Goddess Feminine Flow 所有性別都適用,因為每個人都有女性面向 :知性、耐性、情感處理、溝通、創造
療癒內在受傷的女性能量- 重啟Love & Supporting 的Nourishing 女性特質
Open to all genders, as everyone has a feminine side: intuition, patience, emotional processing, communication, and creativity.
In this class, we’ll focus on healing the wounded feminine energy within us—reawakening the nourishing qualities of love and support.
Our experiences and emotions leave lasting marks on both our bodies and minds. These emotional wounds often cause us to build up protective walls, making us tense and closed off, afraid of getting hurt again. Over time, this can affect our overall well-being, making it harder to connect with others, trust, or express ourselves freely from the heart.
Through gentle, flowing movements and grounding exercises, we’ll help restore your natural flexibility and openness. A shamanic sound journey will guide you in releasing the deep-seated emotional scars and memories that no longer serve you.
By the end, you’ll feel more open to love, ready to receive support and nourishment again. In the final meditation, you’ll experience a sense of lightness, hope, creativity, and abundance, feeling rejuvenated in both love and life.
Nov 14 Dev Masculine Flow ( Rescheduled to Nov 15 )
所有性別都適用,因為每個人都有男性面向 :擁有 判斷力、遠見、計劃落實將來,去自信的創建人生療癒內在受傷的男性能量 - 放下抑壓、壓力、害怕倒下去用力撐圖二是我用盡男性力氣,撐起受傷的女性面向,撐起人生不需靠別人,因為當時不想再脆弱,再受傷。我們因成長經歷、情、失敗,受了批判、自尊心受創 抑壓了情感 變得 愛逞強 不願溝通、固執、逃避、控制抑壓情感、不去療傷,使我們的性格開始變得冷漠,甚至扭曲,不想再見人,不讓自己再次失敗,所有事情自己擔上,甚至擔起別人的責任,其實這代表我們關上了門,與人接觸,讓人進入內心的門。也跟女性能量一樣,不願再接受愛、同時也不愛自己、不愛別人課堂裡透過瑜伽式子,打開全身的能量,調節身體左右的不平衡、用錯力,讓你重建穩定性及信心薩滿聲音旅程協助你放下所有不存在、不屬於你的的責任與內疚,讓我們再次體驗到 生命本應是輕鬆的、生命也需要空間、別人幫忙最後的冥想環節帶領你重見光明,增強自信,相信自己,找回內在力量、勇氣、面對脆弱的勇氣Open to all genders, as everyone has a masculine side: decisiveness, vision, planning, and confidently building the future.In this class, we’ll heal wounded masculine energy by releasing stress, pressure, and the fear of failure. Many of us, due to past experiences, have learned to suppress our emotions, becoming overly strong, stubborn, or isolated, taking on too much and shutting others out. This keeps us from accepting love, help, and even loving ourselves.Through yoga, we’ll balance the body’s energy, restoring stability and confidence. A shamanic sound journey will help you release unnecessary burdens and guilt, reminding you that life doesn’t need to be so heavy—you can allow others to support you.We’ll finish with a meditation to boost your confidence, reconnect with your inner strength, and find the courage to embrace vulnerability.
Nov 21 Zen Balancing Yin & Yang - Union with Self
我們因生活、因壓力、因各種的不如意,害怕,令我集中注意力常常向外,向外追求,與人比較,著意別人的話但不聽從自己的話、不走自己的路,也對自己沒信心,這樣嚴重影響了我們創造、顯化,追求滿意的生活這些年來,因為高低起跌的經歷、體驗各種文化、遇過不同的人,慢慢從外回到內,自己的內在世界,找到內在的平靜。課堂裡透過與自己連結的瑜伽式子,讓你感受到自己的身體,看見自己的美,發掘到獨特性薩滿聲音旅程協助你釋放所有不屬於你的聲音、信念讓我們重建自己意識、見解、生命道路最後的冥想環節帶領你聽到自己的內心,找到想走的路,想過的生活。 Union with yourself is at the heart of yoga. When we connect with ourselves, we can connect with the world and others—and truly love ourselves.Life’s pressures often make us focus outward, comparing ourselves to others and listening to external voices. This disconnects us from our own path, dampening our confidence and creativity, and keeping us from living a fulfilling life.Over the years, through the ups and downs of life, experiencing different cultures, and meeting various people, I’ve gradually turned inward from the outside world. In that inner journey, I’ve found a sense of inner peace.In this class, through yoga, you’ll reconnect with your body, rediscover your beauty, and embrace your uniqueness. A shamanic sound journey will help release beliefs and voices that don’t belong to you, allowing you to rebuild your sense of self and life direction.We’ll end with a meditation to help you listen to your heart and find the path and life you truly desire.