水晶- 重生服務
Gemstone rebirth 🩷 cleansing & Energy tuning
Do you have these concerns?
I’m not sure why my crystals aren’t working and I don’t know if I cleansed they well🥹
When it comes to crystals and stones, there are many misconceptions and interpretations. You can’t let other touch them, we are going to use up their energy, and they might be entities “live and stay” in crystals.
Our gemstones rebirthing service is gonna bring you clarity and relieve.
Service available online and offline
1️⃣我們有免費檢查、服務估價 Free checking & Quotation
讓你知道你的水晶需不需要重生,還是自己能清洗 (請一次過詢問及拍照,每次在同一照片裡最多十件物品、每月最多詢問一次,自行清洗方法請到selflovejan.com的FAQ, 不作私人回應)
Please send only up to - 10 crystals in ONE photo all together for checking, maximum one time a month.
2️⃣水晶重生儀式 Rebirth Ritual
Cleansing and purification for, sticky and chaotic negative energy, recharge and entities deposession
Giving them - a meaningful purpose
You get this blessing too if you make a purchase at our store
You can let me channel a message for you or you can lemme know your wishes