Candles 蠟燭使用

Each candles makers have their own energy difference, so are you.
Energy is going to be difference as well, when you light the candles.
有時蠟蠟會燒得慢/熄掉/燒不完是正常的 (放心能量都能發揮的)
Healingwishing 店主的蠟燭更是聞著精油味也是個療癒
So sometimes the flame is going to be small, and sometimes it goes off or there are wax left. These are normal, and it will not affect the effectiveness of the candle.
-罐蠟玻璃杯蠟 : 安全的話可再加一個耐熱的碟/鐵罐月餅罐:入得微波爐/焗爐
Just to reminder, safety is more important
After reiki / shamanic energy / your wishes are added into the candles, there is a possibility that the flame is very strong, so you need to be prepare and careful about it.
-For tea light - you will need to put an inflammable tray or container under it
(the plastic tealight candle container will sometimes melted a bit, but this is normal and will not affect the energy)
-For 3D candles, you will need a candle container ( glass /metal), then put an inflammable tray or container under it
-Candles with can / glass container, to be safe, it's better to put an inflammable tray or container under it
Please do not put it near any flammable items or area
Also please do not light candles while you are asleep/
Healing / Making wishes
You can light a candle whenever you feel like, with no pressure.
You can light a special function one, when you have a specific need, then let it heal you.
You can put a paper with your wishes under the candle, then let the wishing process happen itself.
For advanced healing, you can close your eyes and meditate with it.
You do not need to burn it all at once, you can burn it a few times.
Just burn it more than 15mins for better condition for the wax.